병렬 프로그래밍 개요#
강좌: 수치해석 프로젝트
반도체의 성능은 Moore의 법칙 수준으로 향상되어 왔음
단일 코어의 성능 향상 폭은 줄어들음
여러 컴퓨터를 묶은 클러스터 방식의 슈퍼컴퓨터
Multi-core, Many-core 프로세서를 활용한 병렬 계산
GPU를 이용한 인공지능 학습
컴퓨터 구조#
폰 노이만 구조
CPU, 메모리, 저장장치, 네트워크 등으로 구성됨
Fig. 14 Von Neumann architecture (From Wikipedia)#
CPU : ALU 와 CU, 그리고 캐시로 구성됨
멀티코어 프로세서
Fig. 15 Dual Core Processor (From Wikipedia)#
SIMD (Single instruction, multiple data) : 벡터 계산 (MMX, SSE, AVX, neon)
Fig. 16 SIMD (From Wikipedia)#
Memory : 메모리 속도는 상대적으로 덜 빨라짐
라우터, 선, 카드
종류 : Ethernet (1G, 10G), Omnipath, Infiniband
병렬 프로그래밍 모델#
Message Passing Model#
각 프로세스가 독립된 메모리를 가지고 있으며 통신으로 자료 교환하면서 병렬 계산
라이브러리 : MPI (MPICH, OpenMPI, MS-MPI, Intel MPI)

Fig. 18 Message Passing model (From KSC)#
Dead lock을 조심해야 함
병렬 계산 성능#
Amdahl’s law#
전체 코드 중 \(p\) 만큼만 병렬화해서 \(N\) 배 빨라졌을 경우 총 성능 향상은 \(S\) 임.
Fig. 19 계산 성능 비교 (From Wikipedia)#
Python 병렬 프로그래밍#
를 이용한 Loop 자동 병렬 기능 제공Threading layer에 따라 OpenMP, Intel TBB 등을 제공
MPI 라이브러리 바인딩
Laplace 코드를 Fork and Join model로 병렬화 하시오
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
# Use OpenMP
from numba import config
config.THREADING_LAYER = 'omp'
# For Intel MKL as BLAS and LAPCK
import mkl
def solve_laplace(n, solver, tol=1e-5, order='C'):
Laplace Equation solver
n : integer
solver : function
iterative solver
tol : float
order : string
'C' | 'F'
err : float
ti = np.zeros((n+2, n+2), order=order)
dt = np.zeros((n+2, n+2), order=order)
def bc(t):
t[-1, 1:-1] = 300
t[0, 1:-1] = 100
t[1:-1, -1] = 100
t[1:-1, 0] = 100
err = 1
hist = []
while err > tol:
# Apply BC
# Run Gauss-Seidel
solver(n, ti, dt)
# Compute Error
err = np.linalg.norm(dt) / n
return err
def jacobi_nb(n, ti, dt):
Jacobi method
n : integer
ti : float
current time
dt : array
for i in range(1, n+1):
for j in range(1, n+1):
dt[i, j] = 0.25*(ti[i-1, j] + ti[i, j-1] + ti[i+1, j] + ti[i, j+1]) - ti[i, j]
# Update
ti += dt
@nb.njit(fastmath=True, parallel=True)
def jacobi_nbp(n, ti, dt):
Jacobi method
n : integer
ti : float
current time
dt : array
for i in nb.prange(1, n+1):
for j in range(1, n+1):
dt[i, j] = 0.25*(ti[i-1, j] + ti[i, j-1] + ti[i+1, j] + ti[i, j+1]) - ti[i, j]
# Update
for i in nb.prange(n+2):
for j in range(n+2):
ti[i,j] += dt[i,j]
n = 2048
%time solve_laplace(n, jacobi_nb, tol=5e-3)
/home/jinseok/miniconda3/envs/idp/lib/python3.9/site-packages/llvmlite/llvmpy/__init__.py:3: UserWarning: The module `llvmlite.llvmpy` is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
/home/jinseok/miniconda3/envs/idp/lib/python3.9/site-packages/llvmlite/llvmpy/core.py:8: UserWarning: The module `llvmlite.llvmpy.core` is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Equivalent functionality is provided by `llvmlite.ir`.
CPU times: user 6min 3s, sys: 5.83 s, total: 6min 8s
Wall time: 23.4 s
# At AMD Threadripper 5955wx (16C32T)
for i in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]:
# Adjust number of threads for numba and MKL
print("Number of Threads :", i)
# Measure time
%time solve_laplace(n, jacobi_nbp, tol=5e-3)
Number of Threads : 1
CPU times: user 27.3 s, sys: 79.4 ms, total: 27.4 s
Wall time: 24.6 s
Number of Threads : 2
CPU times: user 22.9 s, sys: 32 ms, total: 23 s
Wall time: 11.5 s
Number of Threads : 4
CPU times: user 23.8 s, sys: 60 ms, total: 23.9 s
Wall time: 5.97 s
Number of Threads : 8
CPU times: user 26.2 s, sys: 92.1 ms, total: 26.3 s
Wall time: 3.29 s
Number of Threads : 16
CPU times: user 33.3 s, sys: 192 ms, total: 33.5 s
Wall time: 2.09 s
Number of Threads : 32
CPU times: user 2min 20s, sys: 1.87 s, total: 2min 22s
Wall time: 4.48 s